We are all a part of the Divine. Sentient and self-aware projections of the Universe, we are part of a greater Whole, and yet individual. And we, collectively and individually, are part of the Divine, and able to change It.
As we improve ourselves, we improve the Flame of all as well. However, self-improvement can only occur when basic needs are met. Therefore, to improve the Flame, we must help all have access to the basic necessities of life: food, clean water, shelter, and medical care. Those that seek to survive cannot care for more esoteric things, for they are constrained by survival needs.
When survival needs are met, then we can seek improvement for ourselves and others. No one has the right to stand between another person and the fuel for their Flame, or the basic needs they must fulfill to become able to seek their Flame.
Our Flame burns most brightly through proper fuel, through feeding our souls as we feed our bodies. We feed our souls through caring, through love, through creating. Through finding our passion, and then sharing the results of that passion with others. And through helping others find fuel for their flames as well, helping others learn and grow. We all benefit from each other's Flame's burning brighter.
We are an interdependent species, reliant upon one another for our very survival. However, we are also separate individuals, with our own desires and needs. We must learn to nurture our own Flame while constricting others as little as possible, to let each Flame burn brightly without inhibiting another. We can, if we so choose, help everyone achieve their goals. For the first time in human history, survival to old age does not need to be in doubt through lack of basic necessities, if we choose to make it so.
Like any fire, however, we must also be sure to keep it fueled only by appropriate things, and burning controlled. Simply desiring something is not enough of a reason to obtain it. We must school ourselves to feed our souls what is appropriate, what nurtures us, what helps us grow and become better people. Our Flame can be bright and warming, nurtured carefully and a joy and blessing be part of, or a raging forest fire that consumes all that it touches and brings only destruction.
All which is, is Divine, part of the self-aware Universe. There is nothing in existence that is profane, no split between the body and the soul. There is nowhere and nothing but the Universe, physical and spiritual. That is not to say the physical world is the sum total of existence. The Universe is bigger than any one mind could hope to comprehend, and the layers of existence and possibilities are endless. But there is no beyond to move to, no better life elsewhere. What is here, is.
Many people speak of "seeking God" and talk of places to look to find the Divine. And they define God, and place limitations and strictures upon what God can and cannot do. And people say how one can and cannot reach the Divine, and where God is and isn't, and refuse to acknowledge that God may very well choose to ignore human strictures. In many ways, the defining characteristics of the Divine is that human strictures are ignored, and that the Divine is free to all humans, irrespective of social status. We like to limit what God is, and pretend we know what is and isn't what the Divine wants of us, and more, of other people. The truth is that we can only surmise what the Divine wants of us, and work as hard as we can to be the best we can be. Any rules we try to place to comfort us, and place sections of our life as safe from Divine intervention, are doomed to failure.
We all like to believe we're good people, and seek ways to prove that belief. However, we also all like to be lazy and seek the easy way out of things. We like scapegoats, villains, a bad guy that tempts us to do what we already know is wrong. We want to believe we are good; that someone else is evil and not us. And we seek to justify those things that we do and we know are wrong, and find ways to make our transgressions correct while punishing the transgressions of others.
We need, to become whole individuals, to learn to accept our own faults and flaws as well as our virtues and abilities. We are human, we are divine, and we stand wholly responsible for what we do. The constant struggle to justify, to explain, to create excuses, only keeps us mired in confusion and sorrow. When we can truly accept our mistakes, learn from them, and take responsibility for them, then and only then can we grow beyond them and cease to make the same mistakes again and again.
This is not an excuse to play the blame game, however. Only we know the real reasons why we do things, and no one else can decide what is someone refusing to live up to responsibility. All the blame game does is make everyone wrong, and confuse the real issues that people need to deal with on their own.
There is no way to avoid misfortune in our lives. Bad things happen to everyone, including people that seem to have done nothing wrong, and our problems are always bigger to ourselves than other people's problems. However, although our problems are always biggest to ourselves, it is a falseness of context to believe that our problems should be as big to other people. The difference is how misfortune is handled, both in ourselves and other people. We need to learn to face the vicissitudes of fate with grace and poise, and to keep from getting knocked down more than we get back up. The more we glory in our own misfortune, and label ourselves by our failures, the harder it will be for us to succeed. And when we glory in the misfortune of others, we simply lessen ourselves and dim our Flame.
Penance and forgiveness are unpopular concepts today. We want to believe that what we do is okay, as long as we had a good reason, and that feeling sorry for our mistakes should be enough. The truth of the matter is, good intentions only carry so far. Good acts, repairing ones mistakes, those are the acts of a good person. We will make mistakes. There is no way to live life without sometimes making horrible mistakes, either of action or inaction.
What are your flaws? What are your virtues? Which question was harder to answer and why?
What feeds your Flame? What stifles it? Which do you court in your life?
How do you nurture other people’s Flames? Allow your own to be nurtured? Do you live in a nurturing environment?