Belief, Faith, and Divine Love
Belief and Faith are irrelevant, Love is not.
Faith is a very delicate issue. We believe, but we are never quite sure how to explain that belief, how to share that belief. It's incredibly important to us, and yet faith is by nature private. We face the reality of our isolation in our faith, for even when we celebrate together, the experience with the Divine is forever personal. Because of the vastly overwhelming experience, we find doubt when not directly interacting with the Divine. The overwhelming reality of the Divine, of the Gods, seems impossible when not directly interacting.
That doubt we feel is good, a blessing and not a curse. As long as we allow ourselves to doubt, we can continue to grow, and our understanding can continue to deepen. Only when we fear doubt, fear not having answers, do we being to obsess about rules, about security. We cannot have security in this world, and perhaps not in any. When we fear doubt and seek that impossible security, we give up an uncomfortable reality for a harmful illusion, an illusion that leads us to attempt to regulate the doubt out of our lives, to deny that doubt wherever it might be, and to try and force other people to believe the same as we do to hide that doubt from ourselves.
When we experience the Divine, the Gods, and feel Their love for us, there is no room for faith or doubt. However, we cannot stay in that safe place where we live in the Love of the Divine. Daily life interferes, with bills and duties and problems, drags us out of communion with the Divine and makes it hard for us to remember what that feeling was. It takes work to bring that feeling with us throughout our lives, to keep it even in situations which try our patience. At times, we even feel betrayed, because we cannot keep that feeling with us and cannot understand why.
However, the Divine can only act in our lives as we allow. The more we try to control and regiment the Divine, the more we lose the Divine. Love cannot be contained in a box only opened when it is convenient. Either we welcome the Divine into our lives, and allow ourselves to be swept away by the changes or we do not; but we can't live halfway. The Divine will love us the same, but we pull ourselves away and block the Divine off and refuse to be changed. And that love the Divine has for us will keep the Divine from forcing the issue, as well. After all, sooner or later we all return to the Divine. The hurry is only one-sided.
This is not to say we should surrender our lives to the Divine and take no control of what we do or what happens around us. We are the hands of the Divine, but we are also responsible for our own actions. We are called, not to inaction and passivity, but action, thought, and work. We need to accept our callings as active, and do our best to take the love of the Divine and share it with others not through proselytization, but through having large hearts and being loving ourselves. When we can do that, we can become better people and make the world a better place. When we accept the love of the Divine and don't take that love back into the world, we betray the Divine by not fulfilling our end of the bargain.
Belief is, in most cases, irrelevant. For when we have faith and belief, there is no room for doubt, for our hearts are filled with love. And when we do have doubt, clinging to belief while fearing to question robs us of a chance to learn, and grow, and understand that love and faith better.
What does faith mean to you?
How do you handle doubt?
How can we embrace love of the Divine even when we doubt?
Faith is a very delicate issue. We believe, but we are never quite sure how to explain that belief, how to share that belief. It's incredibly important to us, and yet faith is by nature private. We face the reality of our isolation in our faith, for even when we celebrate together, the experience with the Divine is forever personal. Because of the vastly overwhelming experience, we find doubt when not directly interacting with the Divine. The overwhelming reality of the Divine, of the Gods, seems impossible when not directly interacting.
That doubt we feel is good, a blessing and not a curse. As long as we allow ourselves to doubt, we can continue to grow, and our understanding can continue to deepen. Only when we fear doubt, fear not having answers, do we being to obsess about rules, about security. We cannot have security in this world, and perhaps not in any. When we fear doubt and seek that impossible security, we give up an uncomfortable reality for a harmful illusion, an illusion that leads us to attempt to regulate the doubt out of our lives, to deny that doubt wherever it might be, and to try and force other people to believe the same as we do to hide that doubt from ourselves.
When we experience the Divine, the Gods, and feel Their love for us, there is no room for faith or doubt. However, we cannot stay in that safe place where we live in the Love of the Divine. Daily life interferes, with bills and duties and problems, drags us out of communion with the Divine and makes it hard for us to remember what that feeling was. It takes work to bring that feeling with us throughout our lives, to keep it even in situations which try our patience. At times, we even feel betrayed, because we cannot keep that feeling with us and cannot understand why.
However, the Divine can only act in our lives as we allow. The more we try to control and regiment the Divine, the more we lose the Divine. Love cannot be contained in a box only opened when it is convenient. Either we welcome the Divine into our lives, and allow ourselves to be swept away by the changes or we do not; but we can't live halfway. The Divine will love us the same, but we pull ourselves away and block the Divine off and refuse to be changed. And that love the Divine has for us will keep the Divine from forcing the issue, as well. After all, sooner or later we all return to the Divine. The hurry is only one-sided.
This is not to say we should surrender our lives to the Divine and take no control of what we do or what happens around us. We are the hands of the Divine, but we are also responsible for our own actions. We are called, not to inaction and passivity, but action, thought, and work. We need to accept our callings as active, and do our best to take the love of the Divine and share it with others not through proselytization, but through having large hearts and being loving ourselves. When we can do that, we can become better people and make the world a better place. When we accept the love of the Divine and don't take that love back into the world, we betray the Divine by not fulfilling our end of the bargain.
Belief is, in most cases, irrelevant. For when we have faith and belief, there is no room for doubt, for our hearts are filled with love. And when we do have doubt, clinging to belief while fearing to question robs us of a chance to learn, and grow, and understand that love and faith better.
What does faith mean to you?
How do you handle doubt?
How can we embrace love of the Divine even when we doubt?
At 12:40 PM,
Star said…
Good essay. I'm pretty sure I've seen and probably commented on this one before, but it's one I could stand to read a few... thousand... times or so, because it addresses some things that I do have intermittent issues with.
I'm not quite sure what you're saying about belief, though... And unfortunately I don't know how to tell you what's confusing me there. :(
Study questions:
1. Faith is... belief when you have no concrete, objective proof that your beliefs are correct. (It's not limited to a religious context, although that's where it's most often used.)
2. I handle doubt... Well, I'm not sure I really do, come to think of it. I tend to agonize over it for a few seconds, and then go back to that sort of inbetween state where I don't believe or disbelieve, I just... don't think about it. That's not good. I think perhaps... Perhaps I've been expecting the doubt to resolve itself. Or perhaps I've just not been sure what I can do about it.
Side note: Emotionally I'm on a much more even keel today than I was the other day--but spiritually... I'm beginning to think that what I've been hiding from myself is that... I don't have it together quite as much as I'd like to think. I'm still all scattered and I haven't really scratched the surface of... anything, yet. I haven't even tried to consider the hard questions... I've just sat back and waited for answers. And I don't know that I like that, but again, I don't know that I know where to start with anything more. But that's no excuse. And now I'm rambling and not making any sense anymore, and I haven't even answered the third question yet, so...
I feel like there's a blog entry there, like that would be a good way to try to sort things out, but I've got this self-imposed prohibition about discussing religion there that I'm reluctant to break. Maybe I'll have to start a new blog just for these sorts of things, since it looks like I'll need something like that.
GAH! Study question.
3. That probably depends on what you're meaning when you say "embrace the love of the Divine". How do we remain open to the Divine even when we're doubting? It's difficult, very difficult. I think that in some ways this is one place where practicing religion by rote *can* actually help; the familiar rituals give us something to hold onto as we stumble through the darkness. Of course, the trick is figuring out at what point they've reached the end of their usefulness and not clinging to them beyond that...
I'm still not entirely sure I'm making any sense...
At 3:21 PM,
Vieva said…
I do use belief and faith interchangeably in that essay. that might be confusing you.
I'm wondering if your self-imposed refusal to discuss religion on your blog has something to do with your refusal to deal with it at all. Not saying you might not have needed boundaries there .. but it does make things *easier* to segregate pieces of your life into boxes and refuse to let them touch each other.
Even on TC you frequently don't talk about your religion to yourself .. you talk about other people's experiences, but you try to avoid your own. I'm wondering how much you're trying to avoid religious topics even when surrounding yourself by them.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work by osmosis. :( but I'd be happy to be a sounding board if you do set up that blog .. let me know. I know how much of a pain in the ass this is .. trust me!
At 3:32 PM,
Star said…
*** I'm wondering if your self-imposed refusal to discuss religion on your blog has something to do with your refusal to deal with it at all. ***
Well... You have good points, and ones I hadn't thought about. I guess I do kind of avoid talking about it. My first instict was to say, "No, I do talk about my own experiences," but then I realized... I do, but I talk about my own magical experiences, not religious or spiritual really.
When it comes right down to it, though, the ultimate reason why I don't talk about religion on my blog is actually depressingly practical. *G* My extended family doesn't know about my religious choices, and I don't care for them to find out (way more trouble than it's worth), and some of them may well be reading that blog.
But that doesn't mean there aren't other issues. And maybe part of my problem here is that I don't talk about it enough. So I've gone ahead and started that new blog--which I've realized already is misnamed, as I labeled it "spirituality" but it's really more "religion". Whatever. It's here:
Nothing really there yet, just setting up... But it exists, and that should make it that much easier to do some brainstorming and stuff.
At 4:01 PM,
Vieva said…
well, I'm gonna be checking up on you there! ;)
and while I understand you don't want your extended family seeing things that'll just cause problems .. again, it IS an excuse. If it was something you wanted to deal with, you'd do .. what you just did. :D {{{{{{Star}}}}}}
I'll be happy to help in any way that I can.
At 4:10 PM,
Star said…
The stupid thing is, of course, that I was not so careful when I started my blog and there *are* some blatant "lookee, I'm Pagan!" references in the archives. Which I'm not going to go through with a fine-toothed comb or anything... I figure there's enough archives there now that it's unlikely they'd bother with the whole thing.
But yeah... Even if it's a valid excuse, it's an excuse. Hence the new blog. ;) And, dammit, this one I'll keep up with, not just forget about. I'll probably get Randall to list it on TC sometime soon. (Or, OK, right now before I talk myself out of it or forget.)
And believe me, you *are* helping, more than you might know. Reading your essays--and even your replies to my comments on them, as here--is making me confront some things (some ugly, some not...ish) that I should have been confronting long ago, I think. Thanks for letting me take up room in your comments like this!
At 4:45 PM,
Vieva said…
heck, I'm trying right now to not feel guilty for starting you down this path .. even though it's the point OF these essays, to confront people and make them think ... :D
It's not fun. I won't argue that. But I think it's definitely worth the trip.
At 5:26 PM,
Star said…
Dude. No feeling guilty over there, K?
Firstly, you didn't start this; it's been building for a bit. I just hadn't said anything. So no guilt there.
Second, if I hadn't been building to this anyway, I needed to be, and helping me get there would be a *good* thing, not a bad thing. So no guilt there.
Third, as you yourself point out, that's kind of the point of these essays anyway. ;) So no guilt there.
And lastly, it *will* be worth the trip and the trouble, I know it will. So no guilt there.
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