Comment on Copyright
I've put my posts under a Creative Commons license, as is clearly seen on the sidebar. I should probably attach that to every post .. but I'm challenged enough I'm not quite sure how. :D
I think, though, that my choice deserves an explanation, because I think it's important. Religion is free .. I cannot own it, nor can anyone. While one can copyright one's work (and ooh, I'd be ticked if someone took it!) the religion itself isn't mine. I'm just a messenger, a carrier. If it is to survive, other people will take up what I write and add to it, create from it .. and that's a GOOD thing. I do not want to stifle that. In fact, I'd HATE to stifle that, which is what current copyright law does.
So I encourage people reading .. come up with your own rituals, essays, beliefs, experiments. Let my work be an inspiration to your own. My only requirement is that you make your own work free for other people to use as well .. to find as inspiration to build off of. It's not open-source software .. it's open-source religion.
Let it go, and let it grow. Let's see where it leads us.
I think, though, that my choice deserves an explanation, because I think it's important. Religion is free .. I cannot own it, nor can anyone. While one can copyright one's work (and ooh, I'd be ticked if someone took it!) the religion itself isn't mine. I'm just a messenger, a carrier. If it is to survive, other people will take up what I write and add to it, create from it .. and that's a GOOD thing. I do not want to stifle that. In fact, I'd HATE to stifle that, which is what current copyright law does.
So I encourage people reading .. come up with your own rituals, essays, beliefs, experiments. Let my work be an inspiration to your own. My only requirement is that you make your own work free for other people to use as well .. to find as inspiration to build off of. It's not open-source software .. it's open-source religion.
Let it go, and let it grow. Let's see where it leads us.
At 10:20 AM,
Star said…
Open-source religion. I like it. :)
I haven't figured out the "put this on all posts" stuff yet, but I'm experimenting with it and I'll let you know if I find something out...
At 10:40 AM,
Star said…
Uh... I figured it out. *G* We have three options now: I can either e-mail you the nitty-gritty, or you can give me rights to get into your blog's template and change the appropriate code (as I've done for some other people), or of course there's always just not doing it. :) Let me know; whatever you want is cool with me.
At 10:41 AM,
Vieva said…
ooh, if you figure it out, lemme know, thanks.
certainly easier for people to use if the copyright note's attached. :)
At 10:42 AM,
Vieva said…
gosh you're fast! email me, bitte? I'm on the wrong computer, so I won't get to it for a bit .. but I greatly appreciate it! :) {{{{{Star}}}}}}
At 10:55 AM,
Star said…
Will do. ((((Shadow)))
At 11:14 AM,
Burninghair said…
HeartShadow! I've missed you! How are you miss ma'ma!
I have no comment on copyright... I just was excited to find out you have a blog!
Robin (Novitiate)
At 11:24 AM,
Vieva said…
ROBIN! I never see you anymore!
You need to show up on TC more often! and chat with us! :) How ARE you?
At 11:08 AM,
Burninghair said…
I'm good! Just super freaky busy! I'll have to pop in next time TC chats!
HOpe you are well!
At 11:37 AM,
Vieva said…
dude, we're ALWAYS in chat during the day!
just pop in! we're likely to be there.
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