Keeping the Sacred Flame

A place to discuss the religion and philosophy of the Sacred Flame, HeartShadow's personal religion. Also random other thoughts of HeartShadow's as she feels like posting them.

Monday, July 17, 2006


What is pride? That feeling we get when we simply feel we might burst with joy, when we feel that we have accomplished something mighty, or are something mighty. It can be felt for another, that joy in another's ability or being. And it is one of the most written about, talked about, dissected emotions. It is not good or evil in itself, but it can be both at the same time in context.

Pride can be dangerous. It becomes an addictive feeling, to feel that joy and power. We want to feel it to the point that we feel it regardless of earning it. We ignore our weaknesses and revel in our power, not looking at the ground beneath our feet because our heart is soaring. When we do this, it's a bad thing. We can't just go around pretending there is no ground because we don't want to deal with it right now.

At the same time, pride is a motivator. We want to feel good about ourselves, accomplished, powerful. And there's nothing wrong with that. The desire to accomplish has driven humanity into accomplishing great things, powerful artwork, and becoming what we are. That desire to feel powerful resonates throughout our most meaningful experiences.

Pride is not the problem. It is what we take our pride in, how we use it. Like any other emotion, it can be a gift or a curse. When we use our pride to feel better than our fellow human, and denigrate others to give ourselves a good feeling, pride is our downfall. When we ignore other people in our pride because we feel so good, it is our downfall. When it motivates us to become better people, it is a great blessing.

Where do you feel pride? Did you earn it?
How do you react to pride? Does it motivate you? Slow you down?
Does pride in other people motivate you? Scare you? Mean anything at all?
Personal thoughts


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