Keeping the Sacred Flame

A place to discuss the religion and philosophy of the Sacred Flame, HeartShadow's personal religion. Also random other thoughts of HeartShadow's as she feels like posting them.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Seeking Truth

Truth is an odd subject. We want to know the truth about things, to the point that we try to shrink reality to fit into our truth-box rather than accepting that it simply doesn't fit. There are many ways we try to force reality to fit our preconceptions so we can have a handle on the truth of it all.

We can't ever know the entire truth, especially not about big questions like the nature of the Universe and of the Divine. We will always be dealing with approximations, attempts, language that says more by what is not said than by what is. This doesn't mean we shouldn't look for it.

What makes us human is what we strive for, not simply what we are. We seek to know truth, to discover knowledge, to create beauty. These things are not simply individual acts, but a deep calling of our soul as an expression of the Divine. We need to seek these things out, while at the same time never being done with what we have found. Truth isn't something to be found once, or a piece of once, and done with. Beauty cannot be created just once and then admired. Knowledge cannot simply be found. These are strivings, forever seeking and forever falling short. But it's not the success that matters, it's the attempt.

What do you seek? What do you find?
Do you try to keep knowledge, truth, or beauty boxed up? Do you think you have answers that will survive scrutiny?
Are you content with the knowledge that there will always be answers you don't have and pieces you're missing? Do you feel the need to have an answer to everything?
Personal thoughts


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