Gods and the Divine
We are all of the Divine. However, the Divine is a hard thing (and a thankless thing) to worship directly. It is, instead, more of a reality to comprehend than a being to worship.
The Divine, however, has created beings to live between us and it for us to love and worship, and to guide us in the direction the Divine would like to go. These are the gods. And these gods are symbiotic with humanity. They watch over us, guide us, love us. Sometimes they simply deal with us impersonally, and we do not know the identity of the one we deal with. Sometimes they identify themselves and work more closely with a person. Neither of these relationships is more valuable, but they are different in effect.
The gods lead us to better ourselves, to change ourselves, to become more the hands and eyes of the Divine. This also leads us to become more ourselves, better people, better citizens of the world and stewards of the planet. We are led into harmony with other beings. This does not, of course, make us living saints. We are still people, still subject to all of the vagaries of human existance. They can guide and suggest, but they do not dictate and cannot force us into something we would not do. Also, in some cases they simply let us make our own mistakes and find our own answers.
We must prepare ourselves if we wish to have a god to communicate with us. While a god may choose to watch over us or interact with us, unless we open ourselves to the contact, we may never realize that god is there. And even if we prepare ourselves, the gods are under no obligation to communicate directly with us. They are not human and do not think as we do. But there is a deep caring and need for humanity, whether or not we actually acknowedge their existance at any given time.
We are of the Divine and a part of the greater whole. The gods, however, are beings that are symbiotic with us, but separate. We do not know how they act or why they lead us as they do, but they do care for humanity. (this does not mean, of course, that we lose our own moral agency when we act as a god wishes. Regardless of who requests our action, we are responsible for what we do). But the gods, even though what they ask can sometimes be strange, usually have the best interests of humanity at heart.
Do you deal directly with any gods? Do you think any deal with you indirectly?
Do you have any use for gods? Are they something you find outdated? Meaningless?
How do the concepts of gods and the Divine interrelate to you? Can you believe in both gods and a Divine Universe? Does that seem counterintuitive?
The Divine, however, has created beings to live between us and it for us to love and worship, and to guide us in the direction the Divine would like to go. These are the gods. And these gods are symbiotic with humanity. They watch over us, guide us, love us. Sometimes they simply deal with us impersonally, and we do not know the identity of the one we deal with. Sometimes they identify themselves and work more closely with a person. Neither of these relationships is more valuable, but they are different in effect.
The gods lead us to better ourselves, to change ourselves, to become more the hands and eyes of the Divine. This also leads us to become more ourselves, better people, better citizens of the world and stewards of the planet. We are led into harmony with other beings. This does not, of course, make us living saints. We are still people, still subject to all of the vagaries of human existance. They can guide and suggest, but they do not dictate and cannot force us into something we would not do. Also, in some cases they simply let us make our own mistakes and find our own answers.
We must prepare ourselves if we wish to have a god to communicate with us. While a god may choose to watch over us or interact with us, unless we open ourselves to the contact, we may never realize that god is there. And even if we prepare ourselves, the gods are under no obligation to communicate directly with us. They are not human and do not think as we do. But there is a deep caring and need for humanity, whether or not we actually acknowedge their existance at any given time.
We are of the Divine and a part of the greater whole. The gods, however, are beings that are symbiotic with us, but separate. We do not know how they act or why they lead us as they do, but they do care for humanity. (this does not mean, of course, that we lose our own moral agency when we act as a god wishes. Regardless of who requests our action, we are responsible for what we do). But the gods, even though what they ask can sometimes be strange, usually have the best interests of humanity at heart.
Do you deal directly with any gods? Do you think any deal with you indirectly?
Do you have any use for gods? Are they something you find outdated? Meaningless?
How do the concepts of gods and the Divine interrelate to you? Can you believe in both gods and a Divine Universe? Does that seem counterintuitive?