Keeping the Sacred Flame

A place to discuss the religion and philosophy of the Sacred Flame, HeartShadow's personal religion. Also random other thoughts of HeartShadow's as she feels like posting them.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Ideals and Reality

We all hold things in our mind as ideals. Things we want, ways we view the world. It's how we think we see things. And then there's reality, which frequently has nothing to do with these ideals. The problem is not that ideals and reality don't match, though. The problem is finding a way to have a good balance between them.

Ideals are how we think the world should work. They're necessary for us to function in this world, to actually thrive instead of just surviving. We look at the world and think of how we think it should be instead of how it is. We imagine how we would change things given unlimited power, what we'd remake reality into. And while they often have nothing to do with reality, this kind of imagining is not only not harmful, but actually helpful if done right.

However, one needs to take that ideal into the real world. And while the actual end-state of the ideal may be impossible, and certainly should remain up for revision, one should use that ideal to try and do what one can to bring reality closer to that ideal. Throwing up one's hands and choosing to do nothing because the difference is too great is not an answer, it's an abrogation of responsibility. If the ideal is not only impossible, but also has no relation to reality, then there's a problem of ideology.

Reality changes in steps. We take our ideal and hold it up against the choices we have available, and we take the best option. With some choices, like a choice of mate, we choose that none of our options are close enough to our ideal, and we choose to take nothing. And that's good, because while reality never holds up to fantasy, we must also accept that going with what is available is sometimes a worse choice than staying with the status quo.

We have the power to change reality around us. Not merely in the simple things, like mate and job, but in the big picture. We change reality by voting, by being activist, by writing letters and speaking out. (Note: I do not speak here of being activist in any particular direction. While I have my own ideals, I also believe we all must question our own inner being to find what those ideals are). When we do nothing, when we sit silent and let things go in ways we do not like around us, that is also a choice. It is saying that reality as it is is close enough to our ideals that we're going to leave well enough alone. If that is not what we want to say, then we have to act. And while we cannot change everything everywhere, all change began in the mind of one person that looked at a problem and said "I think I can make this better."

Where does reality seem lacking to you? What would you change? What can you make better?
Where have you compromised on your ideals? Was it worth it?
Where have you stopped thinking in terms of ideals and just given up? What questions are you most afraid of asking and why?
Personal thoughts


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