The Joy of Ignorance and Insignificance
We are each the center of our own Universe. But there are thousands of overlapping universes, one for each person. And while we are the center of our own, we are of much less importance in every other one.
It's a matter of perspective. We see ourselves as wise, smarter and more attractive than average, better in so many ways than the people around us. And they see themselves the same way. Everything here is a matter of perspective.
When we see ourselves from the perspective of the Universe itself, we are small and insignificant. It's impossible to see all the people, all the world that exists and not see ourselves as small. There is more we do not know than we do know. There is more that is not us than is us. We can never know everything or be everything, no matter what we want.
And that's one very true perspective. But it's equally true that when our minds reach out and touch the Universe, we find ourselves loved and cherished for our uniqueness. We may be one of many, but that does not change that we are also one individual, and special and cherished for that.
I am Individual, One of Many, and Part of the Divine Whole. These are not mutually exclusive pieces, they are in fact reliant upon each other. When we find the balance point between these realities, we become more able to deal with each other and reality as whole adults, and give the Universe in all its aspects the respect they deserve.
How are you individual? one of many? part of the Divine? How does it vary?
Do you love yourself for who you are? Do you love others for being part of the Divine? (even if you don't like them?)
How do you balance being special and individual, and being insignificant compared to the greater reality? Which of these two truths is more difficult to deal with?
It's a matter of perspective. We see ourselves as wise, smarter and more attractive than average, better in so many ways than the people around us. And they see themselves the same way. Everything here is a matter of perspective.
When we see ourselves from the perspective of the Universe itself, we are small and insignificant. It's impossible to see all the people, all the world that exists and not see ourselves as small. There is more we do not know than we do know. There is more that is not us than is us. We can never know everything or be everything, no matter what we want.
And that's one very true perspective. But it's equally true that when our minds reach out and touch the Universe, we find ourselves loved and cherished for our uniqueness. We may be one of many, but that does not change that we are also one individual, and special and cherished for that.
I am Individual, One of Many, and Part of the Divine Whole. These are not mutually exclusive pieces, they are in fact reliant upon each other. When we find the balance point between these realities, we become more able to deal with each other and reality as whole adults, and give the Universe in all its aspects the respect they deserve.
How are you individual? one of many? part of the Divine? How does it vary?
Do you love yourself for who you are? Do you love others for being part of the Divine? (even if you don't like them?)
How do you balance being special and individual, and being insignificant compared to the greater reality? Which of these two truths is more difficult to deal with?
At 12:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am individual, of course, and sometimes feel so terribly alone I almost wonder if the rest of the world is still out there. I call a picture to mind then, one my husband took a good while back. It is a spider web in dim light of early dawn. It is covered with tiny brilliant drops of dew in such a perfect array that it could be an elaborate piece of neckware for a Goddess. And holding that image in my head, I pick a random sparkling drop and give it my name.
This drop, riiight here, is ME. And all those other beautiful light-catching beads are the other people...and the web, well, it is obvious, isn't it? It is the web that connects us, and none of us is really alone because every motion travels down the silvery line to someone else. And in my mind, I bring the sun up a bit higher on that glistening web so the minute jewels catch fire with the light. Yes, thats the ticket---catch fire and move on!
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