Inspired by Gods
The Divine uses many ways to try and communicate with us. Some of these means are subtle inner promptings from within. But sometimes the Divine works through gods.
The gods are indivduals, like us, but closer to an understanding of their Divine nature. They work with people on an individual basis, using images and words to break into our mundane existance.
So what does it mean to deal with a god directly? What does it mean not to?
Having a god bothering one directly is no sign of especial holiness. We are all equal in the eyes of the Divine. Being godbothered, instead, is a sign of having work to do. There is something that we are particularly suited to do, and we have been chosen to do it. And being godbothered can also be a sign that we are being particularly thickheaded, as we cannot find our calling without direct pushing.
To be godbothered is to be called for something specific. This does not mean that there aren't other things we need to do as well. It simply means that we have a specific task. It's not a sign of holiness or something to be especially proud over. It is simply a calling and a way to improve the Universe that we are called to do.
What does being called to a task mean to you?
If you could be called by any god, who would that be and why? What do gods mean to you?
Would you rather be called to a task or choose your own? Why?
The gods are indivduals, like us, but closer to an understanding of their Divine nature. They work with people on an individual basis, using images and words to break into our mundane existance.
So what does it mean to deal with a god directly? What does it mean not to?
Having a god bothering one directly is no sign of especial holiness. We are all equal in the eyes of the Divine. Being godbothered, instead, is a sign of having work to do. There is something that we are particularly suited to do, and we have been chosen to do it. And being godbothered can also be a sign that we are being particularly thickheaded, as we cannot find our calling without direct pushing.
To be godbothered is to be called for something specific. This does not mean that there aren't other things we need to do as well. It simply means that we have a specific task. It's not a sign of holiness or something to be especially proud over. It is simply a calling and a way to improve the Universe that we are called to do.
What does being called to a task mean to you?
If you could be called by any god, who would that be and why? What do gods mean to you?
Would you rather be called to a task or choose your own? Why?