Keeping the Sacred Flame

A place to discuss the religion and philosophy of the Sacred Flame, HeartShadow's personal religion. Also random other thoughts of HeartShadow's as she feels like posting them.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Sharing the Flame

When I started this blog, FlameKeeping was a religion of one. As I write this, it's a religion of two. (That I know of, at least!) It was a way for me to get my thoughts out about things that interested me, that disturbed me, that struck me as true about humanity and the Divine.

But this is not now nor has it ever been intended to be my thoughts alone. The Divine thrives on the exchange and growth of information, not stifling and hoarding of it. FlameKeeping is the combined work of everyone that is part of the religion. As such, contributions to the body of work is part of sharing in the religion.

We all discover things we need to work on in our lives, thoughts we need to think, ideas we need to change. These essays are my way of sharing my thoughts on some of these issues. When other people find FlameKeeping the way of their life, they too can add to this body of work, sharing their own thoughts and transitions. Everyone that is a FlameKeeper adds in their own way: through service, through writing, arts, music, or whatever else their skills are.

So if everyone adds, what part is authentic, and what isn't? The answer is that it's all authentic, even the parts that contradict. Different people come up with different answers to the same questions, and the Universe is big enough to encompass that, too. That doesn't mean everyone will follow everything. What it does mean is that each person is going to have to evaluate what essays, what questions have meaning to them, and which ones don't. If people find an addition doesn't work, it's clearly not a correct addition to FlameKeeping. Only those pieces that are accepted by others are truly part of the Flame.

For those for whom FlameKeeping finds resonance in their minds, the Flame is theirs to fan in themselves and others. We share our minds and our hearts with each other in the hopes that we can all grow and bring out the Divine in each of us. Let the Flame grow.

I would be happy to host or link to writings or other media made by others involving FlameKeeping.
Personal thoughts


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